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We have been consistently hosting our produced programs on major podcast platforms. The topics cover a wide range, including software testing, automation testing, management, philosophy, and psychological counseling.

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QAQ What?!


QAQ What?! is a podcast program centered around software testing. It takes a QA engineer’s perspective to examine various events in the software development process. The analysis extends to sociological, psychological, and economic viewpoints.

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軟體測試課程的新篇章 – Tickets Based Program

軟體測試課程的新篇章 – Tickets Based Program

KEENLITY鋒測科技正推出其創新的「Tickets Based Program」軟體測試課程,這是一種基於自主學習與專業指導相結合的指導模式。該計劃旨在提高學習效率,確保學生獲得精準的學習方向,同時減少時間成本。透過訂閱「Tickets System」,用戶可以提出有關個人學習、軟體測試、Python開發等問題,並從經驗豐富的專業人士那裡獲得即時且個性化的回答。此外,該計劃還特別強調在自學和實踐經驗之間取得平衡,幫助學生在軟體測試領域取得進步。

QA 2.0 – Soc-Psy Testing, An Approach to Clarify Issues

QA 2.0 – Soc-Psy Testing, An Approach to Clarify Issues

QA 2.0, Soc-Psy Testing. we delve into the journey of Fabian, a software testing engineer grappling with the recurring challenge of incomplete testing despite working in a well-staffed team. His quest for answers leads him to explore a variety of technical resources, yet he struggles to address the core issue. This narrative highlights a common pitfall in the tech industry: a technical fix mentality that often overlooks the human and social factors critical to project success. The story also sheds light on the misuse of agile methodologies in businesses, where rapid iteration is misaligned with actual employee capabilities, leading to unrealistic targets and high turnover. The excerpt invites readers to rethink problem-solving approaches, emphasizing a holistic analysis that considers underlying causes beyond immediate technical solutions.

QA 2.0 – 會心派測試,釐清問題的新思路

QA 2.0 – 會心派測試,釐清問題的新思路

QA 2.0,也就是會心派測試。在軟體測試的世界中,Fabian作為一名軟體測試工程師,面臨著一個困惑:為何總是無法完成測試。在一個人員眾多的測試團隊中,他發現問題不僅僅是技術層面的。通過他的故事,我們發現,在技術導向的思維中,往往忽略了與人相關的社會學、心理學和經濟學等因素。這一點在他的面試經歷中表露無遺,揭示了當前科技業中敏捷和Scrum方法的誤用,以及如何對待工作效率和離職率問題的狹隘看法。此故事引導讀者思考,解決問題需要深入分析背後的真正原因,而非僅僅追求表面的指標。

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